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Love to Read? Want to Meet Other Readers?

Mellen’s Legion Memorial Library has two monthly book clubs that meet at the library. One meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:00 pm and the other on the third Wednesday at 9:00 am. The list of books and book club dates may be found on their website at Click on Find Books, then Book Clubs to find the books they are reading. Click on Events to see the calendar of library events. The book for the Monday night October discussion will be “1984” by George Orwell. Books are provided by the library so no need to purchase any books.

More information about the library can be found on the City Services page. If you would like to join a book club, call 715-274-8331 or stop by the library and let them know. Think about it. It’s a fun way to meet other readers, find a new author, and read books you never knew you would like (or dislike)!