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Meeting – Ashland County Disaster Readiness Plan

The public is invited to an open community meeting to review how the county’s plan will protect them from future disasters. The meeting is FREE. It will be held on Tuesday, September 17, from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at the Town of Morse town hall. Light refreshments will be served. And, all who attend will be eligible to win one of several devices needed to stay safe during a disaster or emergency.

Copies of the plan can be found at the following locations for the public to review from 8/16/24 thru 9/16/24: on the Ashland County’s website at; at the Ashland and Mellen libraries, and at the Ashland County UW Extension office in Room 107 in the Ashland County Courthouse.

If you cannot attend the meeting in person, comments can be made and sent to For more information, contact Christina Dzwonkowski at 715-685-7640 x856.

Love to Read? Want to Meet Other Readers?

Mellen’s Legion Memorial Library has two monthly book clubs that meet at the library. One meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:00 pm and the other on the third Wednesday at 9:00 am. The list of books and book club dates may be found on their website at Click on Find Books, then Book Clubs to find the books they are reading. Click on Events to see the calendar of library events. The book for the Monday night October discussion will be “1984” by George Orwell. Books are provided by the library so no need to purchase any books.

More information about the library can be found on the City Services page. If you would like to join a book club, call 715-274-8331 or stop by the library and let them know. Think about it. It’s a fun way to meet other readers, find a new author, and read books you never knew you would like (or dislike)!

Spaghetti Dinner Benefit September 7th

A benefit for Leah Polencheck on Saturday, September 7th at the Town of Morse Town Hall in Mellen. Leah was recently diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer and will be undergoing surgery, chemo and radiation treatments. A Spaghetti Dinner will be served from 1:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. (spaghetti, corn, salad, bun, desert and punch). Adults are $8.00; Children (ages 6-12) are $5.00; and Children under 5 are free. Prize raffles, meat raffles, and 50/50 tickets will be sold throughout the day. Drawings start at 4 p.m.

Anyone who would like to donate in anyway may contact Brittany Pupp at 715-292-9086 or Tanya Haderly at 715-292-3030.

Please come and show Leah your support !!!!

Pack the Backpacks!

It’s that time of year again when Rich and Carol Becker, a local Mellen couple, ask the community for donations of school supplies and/or money.  They gather the donations and purchase school supplies to fill backpacks for Pre-K thru 5th grade with all the required school supplies for students in need in the Mellen School District. Their goal is to fill at least two backpacks per grade. Leftover supplies are given to the Mellen School to have on hand for students who might need them. Empty backpacks and school supply lists are on display during the month of August in Mellen at both local financial institutions, Northern State Bank and Superior Choice Credit Union. Rich and Carol have been “Packing the Backpacks” since 2009.

3rd Annual Dusty’s Golf Tournament

3- person scramble $80 per person/$240 team. 9 am registration 10 am shotgun start. Dinner and prizes afterwards at Dusty’s.

Contact Mellen Country Club to sign up 715-274-7311. This tournament started a few years ago and want to make each year better than the last. This year we again we are looking for anyone or business that would like to sponsor a hole. With sponsors we receive we will be donating it to an organization, youth sport, or to some cause or event.

Mellen Golf Course turns 100, let’s celebrate!! August 10th



We will be having an 18-hole Red Tee Big Cup Tournament with a shotgun start at noon!! Teams are 4/person 19.24/ person! There will also be a corn hole tournament beginning 3:00 the entry for that is 19.24/team! There will be food, a silent auction raffle, and music by DJ-Matt Grage beginning at 3:00!! The public is invited to come and enjoy the food and music, get in any of the competitions or just come out and share stories!!

If you would like to do a hole sponsor for yourself or in the name of who had a hand in making the golf course what it is today, hole sponsors are $50.00, donations of prizes to the raffle are also appreciated. All must be brought to the golf course by Friday at 5:00 p.m. and thank you so much!!