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Community Organizations

Ashland County Snowmobile Alliance, Inc. – Ashland County Snowmobile Alliance is a snowmobile alliance from Ashland County Wisconsin made up of representatives from the five county snowmobile clubs (Ashland, Butternut, Clam Lake, Glidden, and Mellen). The board meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Mellen Senior Center at 106 Iron Street.  These club volunteers work together for the good of the snowmobiling community and area tourism.

Cans for Kids – aluminum can collection bins are located throughout Mellen with most of them at the Tri-M location on Olson Road. The money collected from the aluminum is given to local organizations that benefit children.

Cash for Kids – when you make a purchase at the Mellen Midland (Cenex) C-Store, you can tell the cashier to scan the local Mellen School account instead of using your own Midland rewards card. The funds collected help the Mellen school to purchase equipment for the band, the gymnasium, and other things for our kids.

Cozy Valley Homemakers – is a group of homemakers from Cozy Valley which is located just north and east of Mellen.  They meet on the third Monday of each month except in June, July, August, and December. Their main fundraiser is their annual pie sale which is held in Mellen at either Northern State Bank or at Superior Choice Credit Union on the Friday before Thanksgiving. Some years, they hold a second pie sale earlier in the year. All proceeds from their pie sales benefit local and community events and scholarships. They are also the main sponsor of the Cozy Valley reunion which is held every 5 years.

Fourth of July Committee – is a committee of people (usually a city council member plus volunteers) that work to make the City of Mellen’s 4th of July celebration fun and safe.  They coordinate the planned activities, arrange for the fireworks display, publish a schedule of activities, request donations, etc. If you are interested in donating or becoming a volunteer, contact the City Hall at 715-274-2136 and they will put you in touch with the right person.

 Friends of A Wonderful Library (FOWL) – The Mellen FOWL was organized in 1976. Through the members’ boundless gifts of time, talents, and energy they continue to work to enrich our community through sustaining and expanding the library’s (Legion Memorial Library) services. Members are involved in fundraising events and sponsoring library programs for all ages. All fundraising proceeds support the library. Some of the events supported by the Friends include the Friends of the Library Bellringer Run, Fall Quilt Raffle, and sponsor Guest Speakers. FOWL meets at 5:00 on the 1st Thursday of each month at the library at 106 Iron Street, Mellen.

The Friends of Copper Falls State Park, Inc. – Friends of Copper Falls is a non-profit volunteer organization that supports the Copper Falls State Park. They sponsor educational activities, host park events including an annual Fall Festival, and volunteer for park cleanup among other things.

Jeff Koosmann Memorial Fund – Jeff Koosmann passed away in 2015. He was a very special man who loved sports and loved seeing others enjoy sports.  Jeff was a lifelong athlete, competing in three sports in high school—football, basketball and nearest and dearest to his heart, baseball.  He was also a mentor and role model for younger athletes at every opportunity. He was an athlete, a coach, a mentor and his favorite role, teammate. He valued and supported his teammates and believed that sports should be played with effort, pride, integrity, and enthusiasm. The Jeff Koosmann Memorial Fund was established to honor his memory and continue his legacy of encouraging and supporting local community sports and youth.

The main fundraiser is our Annual Golf Tournament on the first Saturday in August.  The funds raised allow us to sponsor athletes in state all-star sports and international competitions, purchase equipment and uniforms for high school teams, award scholarships to graduating seniors, and help with the upkeep and repairs to Mellen Community sporting fields.

Mellen Area Chamber of Commerce – the Chamber of Commerce office is located inside the Superior Choice Credit Union building at 117 S Main Street, Mellen, WI  54546.  The Chamber Board meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 4:15 at the Senior Center at 106 Iron Street, Mellen.

Mellen Area Historical Society Inc. – preserving the history of Mellen, Wisconsin. Historical donations accepted. Our museum, founded in 1976, is located on the second floor of the Mellen City Hall building.  Self-guided tours are available Mon.-Fri. 8:00am-4:00pm and weekends by Special Request. Members of the Mellen Area Historical Society are welcome. Memberships available: Individual: $5.00, Families $10.00, Life $100.00. The Museum is located on the second floor of the 1895 Victorian-style Mellen City Hall.

Mellen Brownstone Center Inc – The Mellen Brownstone Center is a nonprofit organization that is renovating the Mellen State Bank building located at 130 East Bennett Avenue, Mellen, WI, 54546.  The building was built in 1902.  The plan is to create an innovative educational visitor center.  The project is under construction.

Mellen Cancer-Diabetes Fund – donations can be made at Superior Choice Credit Union in Mellen, 117 South Main Street, P.O. Box 650, Mellen, WI 54546.

Mellen Community Halloween Party – the Mellen Community Halloween Party fund was started more than 40 years ago. The annual Halloween Party is traditionally held on Halloween, October 31.  It is a family oriented safe Halloween party held at the Mellen School and is put on by the Mellen National Honor Society and Student Council with games, prizes, and candy. Donations to the fund can be made at Northern State Bank.

Mellen Jr Golf Inc. – we raise funds to promote the sport of golf for our local youth by helping purchase uniforms or clubs or subsidizing golf fees. For more information about Mellen JR Golf, contact the Mellen Country Club at 715-274-7311.

Mellen Lions Club – Our Motto: “WE SERVE”.  The Mellen Lions Club supports local activities in our area. We also support the Lions Camp at Rosholt, WI which caters to children with physical handicaps, mental handicaps, are blind, or are hearing impaired.  Our club further supports the Leader Dog Training Project in Rochester, MN.

  • Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
  • Our major fundraisers are 1) our annual Golf Tournament held at the Mellen Country Club and 2) our Deer Hunting Raffle with the drawing on the Saturday following Thanksgiving at Dusty’s Bar.
  • Our Club collects eyeglasses for the International Lions Club eyeglass recycling program and we sponsor the Leader Dog Program.  Eyeglass donation boxes are located at Northern State Bank and at Superior Choice Credit Union.
  • We sponsor Santa bags distributed by Santa’s helpers at the school and Santa and Mrs. Santa visits at the Legion Memorial Library each December.
  • Contact person: Mike 715-274-6370

Mellen Rod & Gun Club – The Mellen Rod & Gun club was established in 1899 and is the oldest Rod & Gun club in the State of Wisconsin. It is located just south of Mellen on Highway 13.  They are always looking for new members.  Contact Mellen City Hall at 715-274-2136 for information on how to join the club. The club holds 3 annual events each year including an Ice Fishing Contest on Lake Galilee, a kids’ fishing contest/fishing day on Lake Galilee, and a kids money scramble during the annual 4th of July celebration. The clubhouse is also available to rent for any type of party (weddings, graduations, etc.).

  • 711 South Main Street, Mellen, WI  54546

Mellen Union Cemetery Assn – Mellen Union Cemetery is located within the city limits of Mellen at West Layman Drive & Cemetery Drive. For more information contact City Hall at 715-274-2136 and they will put you in touch with the Mellen Union Cemetery Association.

North Country Trail Association – Heritage Chapter/Chequamegon Chapter – The North Country Trail-Heritage Chapter of the North Country Trail Association was chartered in 1996. This chapter is responsible for the trail between the Michigan state line and Copper Falls State Park. The North Country Trail is America’s longest hiking trail. New members welcome.

Northern Aged Iron – The specific purposes of this corporation shall be to preserve antique tractor, threshing, and other farm equipment and to educate the corporation’s membership and the general public about old time farming equipment and techniques.  They have an interest in any vintage iron, hit-and-miss motors, vintage snowmobiles, and cars.  The club holds an Annual Tractor and Threshing show in September.

Pack the Backpacks – annually in August, Rich and Carol Becker, a local Mellen couple, ask the community for donations of school supplies and money.  They gather the donations and purchase school supplies to fill backpacks for Pre-K thru 5th grade with all the required school supplies for students in need in the Mellen School District. Their goal is to fill at least two backpacks per grade. Leftover supplies are given to the Mellen School to have on hand for students who might need them. Empty backpacks and school supply lists are on display during the month of August in Mellen at both local financial institutions, Northern State Bank and Superior Choice Credit Union. Rich and Carol have been “Packing the Backpacks” since 2009.

Ronald McDonald House Charities – there is a collection container (small wooden Ronald McDonald house) in the entryway of the Mellen City Hall where anyone can donate pop-tabs for Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Copper Falls Post 2273 – Meetings are held the 1st Monday of each month at 6:00pm at 102 Wilderness Drive in Mellen, WI  54546. A repository station for the collection of faded, old, and/or torn American flags is located in the parking lot of Northland Foods.

  • PO Box 555, Mellen, WI 54546
  • 715-278-3387

Wholly Threads Limited Mellen Thrift Shop/Wholly Threads is a thrift store located on Bennett Avenue in Mellen. They take donations of clothing, housewares, toys, books, etc. and resell those items at a very reduced rate. They are also known to help those in need.  Wholly Threads Limited is a nonprofit organization formed in 1996 by representation from four area local churches: Holy Rosary, Congregational Church of Christ, Immanuel Lutheran Church, and St. Anthony’s. Check out Thrift Store News in the local weekly paper, The Mellen Weekly-Record, to find out what is happening at the thrift store. Stop in and see what they have for sale and say hi to the volunteers. We do not accept credit or debit cards. Cash or check only!

  • 119 E Bennett Avenue, Mellen, WI  54546
  • Open: Wednesdays, Fridays, 10:00am to 4:00pm and occasionally on Saturdays.