Friends of Copper Falls
The Friends of Copper Falls State Park. Inc. is organized under Chapter 181 of the Wisconsin Statutes exclusively as a non-profit corporation for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes. The Friends are further organized to:
(a) Provide additional volunteer services for park projects, trail maintenance, events and activities.
(b) Provide financial and in-kind support for venues and trails, construction projects, and activities.
(c) Support, provide, and encourage visitor participation in interpretive, educational, and nature-based activities throughout the Copper Falls State Park.
Be a Friend……and Join the Friends! The Friends of Copper Falls has a Calendar of Events on our website. Feel free to check it out and mark your calendars to join us!
The concession stand at Copper Falls State Park, just a hop skip and jump north of Mellen off of Highway 169, is open daily from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. It is also open on weekends through mid-October. The concession stand is run by the Friends of Copper Falls. They sell merchandise* (clothing, books, games, etc.) as well as snacks and beverages. *Hats, sweatshirts, t-shirts, and souvenirs may be purchased in the park office when the merchandise concession is closed. NOTE: Park Admission Sticker required. Stickers and day passes are available at the park’s entrance.
- 715-274-5123
36764 Copper Falls Road
Mellen, WI 54546