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City Services

City Government – the City of Mellen is run by the mayor and alder persons along with other city support personnel. City council meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm. Public meeting notices are posted at City Hall, Northern State Bank, and the Mellen Weekly Record.

City Hall – Mellen’s City Hall building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1979. It is a restored Queen Anne-style city hall building that was built in 1895.  It serves as the home of the city government where the city clerk/treasurer and the deputy city clerk can be found 5 days a week except on holidays. It also houses the Mellen Police Department as well as the Mellen Museum located on the second floor.  Fun fact: the former mayor of Mellen, Joseph A Barabe (1951-2023), was Mellen’s mayor from 1987–2001 & 2003-2022, the longest running mayor of any city in the history of the State of Wisconsin. Joseph’s father, Robert F. Barabe (1917-1971), also served as a two-time mayor of Mellen (1955-1959 & 1969-1971) and was a member of the Wisconsin State Assembly.

  • City of Mellen | Mellen WI | Facebook
  • PO Box 708, Mellen, WI  54546
  • 102 East Bennett Avenue, Mellen, WI  54546
  • 715-274-2136 (phone)
  • 715-274-3707 (fax)
  • Clerk’s office hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm (closed for lunch from 12:00noon-12:30pm)

MedReturn – in the main entrance to City Hall there is a MedReturn Drug Collection Unit where anyone can deposit their unwanted prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, etc. to keep them away from our children and out of our water supply. A list of what is accepted and not accepted is posted on the collection unit.

Mellen Fire & Rescue – the Mellen Fire and Rescue is a paid on-call fire department that was established in 1907. They have a Fire Chief, Firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), and Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs).  Along with their fire trucks they also have 2 ambulances.

Mellen Municipal Utilities – Mellen Municipal Utilities is part of the City of Mellen.  Water and sewer are supplied to the residents of the City of Mellen with quarterly billings.  Contact the Water Department at 715-274-2136 at city hall with any questions or concerns.

Mellen Police Department – the Mellen Police Department is located in the City Hall building on the corner of Bennett Ave and Highway 13.

  • 102 East Bennett Avenue, Mellen, WI  54546
  • 715-274-5141

Mellen Senior Center – the Mellen Senior Center is located in the same building as the Legion Memorial Library.  It is used for Senior events like vaccination clinics, guest speakers, knitting, etc. It is also used by the public for some city meetings and during election time for voting.

  • 106 Iron Street, Mellen, WI  54546
  • The Senior Center can be rented by interested parties or organizations. Contact the Mellen City Hall at 715-274-2136 for information about access and pricing.
  • Knitting/crocheting – Thursdays at 1:30. The knitters make hats and scarves for needy children as well as chemo hats, newborn hats, etc.
  • Senior Meals – for more information, check out our Help page

Mellen Union Cemetery – is located within the city limits of Mellen at West Layman Drive & Cemetery Drive. For more information contact City Hall at 715-274-2136 and they will put you in touch with the Mellen Union Cemetery Association.

City Burning Permits – can be purchased at City Hall, Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Check with the City for the specific details on each permit type. Keep in mind that all permits must be available for inspection by the Mellen Fire Department, the Mellen Police Department, or the Ashland County Sheriff’s Department if requested. Anyone burning without a permit is subject to a fine. Any questions regarding if you are able to burn due to possible burn bans, you can contact the DNR at 1-8888-WIS-BURN (947-2876) or check their website at both and The City has three types of burning permits available:

  • Burning Barrel Permit – this permit is for burning paper products only.
  • Brush Permit – this permit is for burning brush or untreated wood scraps.
  • Burn/Recreational Pit Permit – This permit is for recreational burning.

Garbage & RecyclingTri M Sanitary was formed by three municipalities working together to take care of trash and recycling for the City of Mellen, the Town of Morse, and the Town of Ashland. Regular monthly meetings are every 2nd Monday at the Tri-M building at 6:15 PM. They have a full-service recycling center where you can drop off your sorted recycling, larger accepted items for a fee (Mellen location only), and your trash in Tri-M trash bags. Bags can be purchased at both Tri-M locations during open hours or at either the Midland/Cenex gas station or Northland Foods/Hardware Hank in Mellen. They also rent dumpsters. Ask for a brochure or ask an employee at either of the Tri-M locations for more information.

  • Tri-M Sanitary, Mellen (main location)
  • 415 Olson Road, Mellen, WI  54546
  • 715-274-8746
  • Hours change at daylight savings time:
  • Summer hours: Wednesday 12:00noon – 6:00pm AND Saturdays 7:00am – 3:00pm
  • Winter hours: Wednesday 11:00am – 5:00pm AND Saturdays 8:00am – 3:00pm
  • Tri-M Sanitary, Highbridge
  • 68979 County Highway C, Highbridge, WI  54846
  • Wednesdays: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
  • Saturdays: 8:00am – 4:00pm

Library – the Legion Memorial Library is very active in the community.  Besides the usual lending of books, DVD movies, books on CD, magazines, etc., you can also rent eBooks and audio books online. There are reading programs for kids and adults as well as book clubs.  Classes from the Mellen School come to the library for books and just for the experience of going to the library. To find out what is happening at the library, look for the Library News column in the local paper, the Mellen Weekly-Record. And, of course, the library works with the FOWL (Friends of Our Wonderful Library) on projects, events, fundraisers, etc.

Museum – Mellen Area Historical Society Inc. – is charged with preserving the history of Mellen, Wisconsin. Historical donations are accepted. Our museum, founded in 1976, is located on the second floor of the Mellen City Hall building.  Self-guided tours are available Mon.-Fri. 8:00am-4:00pm and weekends by Special Request. New members of the Mellen Area Historical Society are welcome. The Museum is located on the second floor of the 1895 Victorian-style Mellen City Hall.

Post Office – the Post Office window is open 6 days a week with limited hours however the lobby is always open. There are post office boxes to rent, just ask the postmaster at the window where you can also buy stamps and mail packages.

  • 121 East Bennett Ave, Mellen, WI  54546
  • Mon – Fri: 8:15am-11:15am & 12:15pm-3:15pm
  • Saturdays: 8:30am-9:45am
  • Sundays: Closed