10th Annual Jeff Koosmann Memorial Golf Tournament
August 3, 2024
All-day event
Mellen Country Club
71824 County Road C Highbridge, WI 54846
The money raised is used to sponsor Mellen youth athletes, award scholarships, and help with upkeep and repairs to Mellen community sporting fields. Entry fee is $145 and includes 9 holes, green fees, games, golf cart, and dinner. A hole-in-one on Hole 2 or Hole 8 wins $1,000. The event is open to the public. Stop out to take a chance on the many raffle prizes that will be available. Register your team by calling the Mellen Golf Course at 715-274-7311. Hole sponsorship is available for $50 minimum. If interested or donating a raffle prize, contact Sheryl Koosmann at 715-274-9290 or email jkoosmann16@gmail.com. Hope to see you on August 3rd!