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Naturalist Activity”For the Birds!”

Kick off your holiday season with some nature fun at Copper Falls State Park. On Sunday December 8th, join park naturalist Diane Daulton and friends group members as they make outdoor pine cone holiday decorations “for the birds”. Meet at the park’s new pavilion adjacent to the Naturalist Cabin rain or shine at 1:30 p.m. to join the fun crafting pine cone birdseed treats. Materials will be provided (as supplies last) and participants are encouraged to collect their own pine cones (the more, the merrier). After the craft activity, around 2:30 p.m. the park offers a guided family-friendly conifer I.D. hike, weather permitting, along the Doughboy’s Trail. Hikers can learn how to use a dichotomous key to identify different species of conifer trees and enjoy the park’s spectacular waterfalls along the way.