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Penokee Mountain Range Classic Bike Race and Tour

This event has ended

The 2024 Race is on July 27th with registration at 8:30 a.m. Race begins at 10:00 a.m., starts uptown and heads north.

Each year in July, the Mellen Area Chamber of Commerce sponsors a Bike Race and Tour that runs through and around Mellen.  Racers come from far and wide to beautiful, picturesque Mellen to ride their bikes in this race. The event is held in conjunction with the WiSport cycling group and follows the WiSport General Rules for bike races.

Prizes are awarded for 1st place overall Male and Female; 1st – 3rd place is given for age groups in 5-year increments (e.g.: 20-24, 25-29, etc.)

Interested? Contact Us at the Mellen Area Chamber of Commerce office for an entry form or for more information. We’d love to hear from you.